Our method
You have an idea ? A need for redesign or optimization?
We support you through various key stages to ensure the success of your project.

At Respawnsive, we value the thinking phase, that submerged part of the iceberg. To do this, we make it a point of honor to carry out continuous monitoring and to constantly train ourselves on the technologies that will be of use to you.
Convinced that what makes the success of your project is the time we take together to understand it, to discuss it, we do not content ourselves with achieving what we are asked to do: we analyze your context, your strategic issues, your goals and targets … and let’s never go headlong.
At Respawnsive, we value the thinking phase, that submerged part of the iceberg. To do this, we make it a point of honor to carry out continuous monitoring and to constantly train ourselves on the technologies that will be of use to you.
Convinced that what makes the success of your project is the time we take together to understand it, to discuss it, we do not content ourselves with achieving what we are asked to do: we analyze your context, your strategic issues, your goals and targets … and let’s never go headlong.
Study and audit
Digital benchmark
Target and persona studies
Strategy and nature of content
Technical analysis
business & functional
Business process study
technical environment
Choice of features
Precise definition of the need
As you have understood, at Respawnsive, we are able to manage your project as a whole. From the analytical phase, through graphic design, development or even the test phase, we can support you in carrying out your application as a whole or simply for a specific aspect.
Our strength lies in a complementary team with multiple skills: each is a specialist in his field but individually brings his own stone to the building to create your tailor-made solution.

Qu’importe le support ou la plateforme, nous faisons le choix d’utiliser des technologies adaptées, reconnues et évolutives, en cohérence avec votre projet. De même, les outils que nous utilisons permettent une prévisualisation détaillée de votre application, tant en termes de design que de fonctionnalités.
Ainsi, vous avez la possibilité d’affiner et de remodeler le projet en échangeant directement avec notre équipe de développeurs et de designer.
Regardless of the medium or platform, we choose to use adapted, recognized and scalable technologies, consistent with your project. Likewise, the tools we use allow a detailed preview of your application, both in terms of design and functionality.
Thus, you have the opportunity to refine and reshape the project by interacting directly with our team of developers and designers.
Graphical charter
Ergonomics and navigation
User experience
Type of application
Choice of technologies
Information System Integration
Back office

Ultime étape de votre projet : le développement ! Votre application prend forme, vous allez bientôt pouvoir faire vivre de nouvelles expériences digitales à vos utilisateurs.
Parce que nous avons à coeur de délivrer à nos clients une solution prête à l’emploi et que nous n’aimons pas les mauvaises surprises, nous testons avec vous, et en condition, votre application avant son lancement public.
Final stage of your project: development! Your application is taking shape, you will soon be able to provide new digital experiences to your users.
Because we are committed to providing our customers with a ready-to-use solution and we don’t like unpleasant surprises, we test with you, and in condition, your application before its public launch.
System Integration Test (SIT)
Procedure and documentation / Training
Upload / Launch
This collaborative approach is the cornerstone of the success of your projects. Proceeding by successive iterations (called Sprint) and offering greater flexibility in the management of changes during the project, the AGILE method makes it possible to design qualitative products while respecting your budget.
And it’s not over !
As we keep telling you, we are able to manage your project as a whole. But what happens after? Well, we are always by your side!

Once your project has been delivered, we are committed to making ourselves available for maintenance and we are attentive to any changes necessary for the proper functioning of your application.

Natural referencing (SEO) or paid (SEA) is also part of our skills. Thus, we can measure and optimize each of the deliverables to allow you to gain visibility and traffic.

Whether you need to train on a solution that we have created for you or want to master the latest development technologies, our team of experts also provides its know-how!

In constant watch, we scrutinize technological advances and imagine the solutions of tomorrow. We then deploy our networks, our resources and our creativity to bring innovative ideas to life!